squam-full circle
i've come full circle.
i started this blog following my first retreat to squam art workshops in june 2009. as so many have shared their love and appreciation for elizabeth duvivier, i feel immense gratitude for so many of the dear souls that are now in my life thanks to my time spent at squam. this would take an entirely different post, thankfully lizzy house wrote a beautiful post about this back in 2013. she spoke of all the love that comes from shared connections. sometimes the joy can be overwhelming...all from one choice.
i am just coming back around to making the time to create full-time. my original goal with the blog was to offer ideas that we have found effective to be gentler to the earth with our daily needs. i am getting back around to this.
while i was away from the blog i spent much of the time learning to sew garments for myself.
i received a gift from my sister-in-law and brother-in-law. they returned from a trip to italy with a bag made from washable paper fabric. it took me a while to find a source and to discover how best to sew the material that in many ways acts like leather. i have created a few products and felt that i was ready to sell! i decided that squam art fair would be the perfect place to begin this new adventure. i knew that i would have lovely support there. virginia and noah from gather here were hosting the first squam modern quilt show and several other makers who i know and adore would be there too. i was thrilled that my very dear mother was available to make the trip with me.
we had a lovely evening as expected. received a beautiful reception, informative feedback and my favorite part of the evening was discussing the washable paper fabric that i have been making many of my products from. i feel strongly that this product is a game changer. i have so many things that i want to make with it and collaborations in the works. hoping to share more soon. thank you to those who have encouraged and supported me.
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