the path to class
felting class
my first class was felting with another new creative friend and house mate betz white she has 2 books that you need to check out.
Warm Fuzzies: 30 Sweet Felted Projects
Sewing Green: 25 Projects Made with Repurposed & Organic Materials

my felted project in process
i wish that i had taken more pictures in this class. everyone made very unique things. i was really feeling challenged with my design and my sewing skills. with so much support in this class i pushed on and ended up with a nearly finished bag, nothing short of a miracle. one of the big goals is to complete projects. this was the only class that i did not do some initial prep for.
creative characters
i did get to take one of mirsa's classes. yippee! as soon as i signed up for this class we started to discussing what types
of charcters i could make. i asked helen if she would make some
drawings that i could use to make some characters. in the end, i
used a drawing that my husband and i love very much that she did before
i even knew about squam.
meet shy horse.

this is the pattern that i made from helen's picture in the process of cutting the pieces.

this is the pattern all cut and pinned and ready to sew. it went just fine. marisa was so encouraging. i so enjoyed my day.
i stuffed it was some buckwheat that helen loves and sewed it up. i still need to work on the embellishments but shy horse is all together! helen loved her.
i am very excited. i can't wait to make more of these from her drawings. i think that this is going to be something very fun that we can do with her friends too. so much of this project the kids will be able to do. i think they will love picking out the fabric and embellishments.

here are most of the other creative characters from my class. again incredible creative.
block printing fabric
the last class that i took was block printing with incredible lizzy house
i don't want to seem redundant but she is yet another amazingly creative new fabulous friend from nirvana.
we really clicked. i am just sorry that i missed the first two days with her. but we had fun after that.
here is lizzy giving us the printing demonstration
i made blocks from helen's shy horse and another older picture that she had done called "baby bird in a tree"

here is the take home of my creations from my time at squam.
the second night that i was there when we were visiting in nirvana and sharing some wine i was able to make some bracelets for breast cancer. the other two night that i had left i was so exhausted from creating during the day, eating and the evening events that i didn't have any energy to make more bracelets.