beautiful sounds...four sets of little hands on the piano

another great find thanks to npr.
doing my thing this morning i heard this story about singer-songwriter Joanna Chapman-Smith love her sound. very similar to norah jones.
most everyday i have npr on all day in the kitchen. it makes me stop and listen or become overwhelmed with emotion and either joy, fire, inspiration, so many emotions. i just have a hard time understanding how everyone is not listening to this everyday!!!
i feel like i need to tell people about it, they must not know if they are not listening, how could they be depriving themselves of such inspiration and knowledge.
so everyday that i am listening i hear at least one story on npr and think "wow i would love to share that, that would be great to post on a blog".
so i just went to the npr site to find a few stories from today to link to and i found this picture of fred astaire and ginger rogers. i have to tell you every since i can remember i have had a huge crush on fred astaire. not much to look at you think. well i don't know, i just did and still do. ginger rogers was great too.
so i went to npr and came across this nice story about irving berlin and the song "cheek to cheek" that he wrote for "top hat". it just made me smile and brought me back to all those late nights watching fred and ginger on pbs. just makes me feel all warm and happy inside. hope it works for you too. here is a link to cheek to cheek.
here are a few links to my favorite npr shows. i will be giving you suggestions every so often of stories to listen to. hopefully you will take them wisely.i of course listen to morning edition and all things considered in the morning and afternoon respectively, but there are so many jems in between.
diane rheem she always has the most current topics and incredible guests and she does not let people get away with alot of what you would hear on some other talk shows, she is the queen.
fresh air with terry gross i don't hear fresh air much any more because it is on at bed/reading time. she has great guests and asks the questions that you would ask.
this american life how can you not love ira glass. i am sorry but he is brilliant. someone shared a link the other day with ira glass talking about creativity vs reality. this is perfect.
wait wait...don't tell me is always required listening. it makes me laugh out loud every time.
this will be the last one for now.
the splendid table we found this on late one night when we were painting the kitchen over the summer. so many wonderful little things to learn on this show.
so many of these shows if not all are available on for podcast. hope that you will try some out. warning...you may fall in love.