time management
every day i think this is the day to catch up.
what does that mean?
is this the unattainable goal?
i am trying to set my goals more realistically so that i can meet them. i keep thinking after i pass this event that i will be able to catch up. it never seems to happen.
my latest thought (not the first time i have had it) is that if you have less; there is less to be responsible for. i have the habit of saving things because i may need it some time in the future.
i have 3 new goals
#1 to only make things with what i have for a while and if it requires something new i will need to modify the design.
#2 to start selling some things and/or giving them away.
#3 my plan is to produce at least one thing a day to either use in the house now, sell it or give it away.