a new blog home!

well big day is here. we are working on moving over to our new blog home. we are trying to figure out a few things and hoping to better understand how to add more photos and adjust some of the layout. i am so fortunate that my husband is so entrenched in this world.

we had an active day otherwise. we were hoping to attend the st. patrick's day parade here. we rarely miss it, i can't tell you all of the ridiculous weather we have endured over the years for this parade, it is usually that good. it was really damp and raining here today so we opted out which ended up being a good thing i was able to catch up in the house a bit.

later today we decided to go to the movies. our little sunshine received some funding from her grammy and poppy for valentine's day to take the three of us on a movie date. today was finally the day. we went to see the princess and the frog. surprisingly we all really enjoyed it, i am not a huge fan of the disney movie. there were a few things that i thought the could have been done differently but it had everything that i love in a movie...i laughed, cried, wanted to get up and dance, snuggled my girl and felt all fuzzy inside! it had some powerful female messages and most of the characters were respectful of each other. i guess there was some controversy over the movie but we all liked it. i remember hearing an interview about the movie on npr when it first came out, so many were very excited about its release.

we don't go to the movies very often any more but we love to take our girl, she always looks so overwhelmed by the experience. it is so exciting that with all that she is exposed to that the movies are still such a thrill for her. one of her favorite things to do is at the end of the movie when the credits and the music are running she likes to go to the front of the theater and dance to the music. she does not care how many people are in the theater she just feels like that is what she wants to do. love her confidence!

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