tea towel to wine bag
i love the tea towel. must buy them when i see them. i have a linen compulsion. i have a hard time passing up old tea towels especially if they are embroidered. one of the many issues that i have is that it is difficult for me to decompose items from their original origins. i am working on getting over cutting fabric and paper from its original piece.
so tonight i was going to a fundraiser for south african literacy through barefoot books. if you would like to participate, go to the bottom of this link and click on the support this event tab, you will be taken to her stall and then on the lower left there is a link that reads BOOKS THAT GIVE BACK this will take you to the books that go directly to africa. there are a few others listed there too.
my friend also loves wine and she was going to be serving south african wine. i found a nice bottle for her and i read that in south african tradition it is customary to bring wine as a hostess gift and to wrap it nicely shows extra effort. this friend of mine always shows uber extra effort when she entertains. always the theme goes all the way. such a joy to attend her parties. so i decided to take one of my beautiful tea towels and make a "nice wrapping" for her bottle of wine.
this was very exciting for me to just do this on a whim. i am trying to just do things without thinking about them for as long as i normally would. this took two tries to get it right.
the first one was too big.
the second one was just right. i was so proud of it. this is really just the 5th sewing project that i have done. now i feel like a pro.
i came home from my evening out and sewed up the remaining fabric from the tea towel into a draw string bag that i can use for bread, produce or i think once sweet pea sees it she may take it as her own for what ever she can find to fill it with.
she came home after i made the wine bag and was so impressed. if i hadn't been feeling good about myself before she discovered my creation. i certainly was feeling good after she did. she made me feel like a rock star. she was so impressed with my creation. it doesn't take much for us to be impressed obviously.
great fun.
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