{week of green} thanks enchantedmama
enchantedmama was looking for us to "think green" this week to celebrate the coming of spring. this was more challenging than you would think. we have had a beautiful winter here in western new york mostly because it has been relatively cold and the snow has remained on the ground so even on the overcast days there has been more reflected light then usual because of the snow. i am not typically a fan of winter, i have trouble without the light, this year i have felt much happier, i have just been embracing it and hoping that it continues. we still have snow even though it has been warmer here. we went ice skating today it was in the 40s and my little sweet pea has a pink little face, i feel so bad that i did not sunscreen today, so out of practice (she says it does not hurt but this was really unexpected in our area not so common as out west).
so here we go with many photos from the week. i never found a bud and i looked hard and long for the entire week. i did have some fun though, thanks kellen.
split peas and sunshine
on the day you were born by debra frasier
thoughts on being green
the creative family by amanda blake soule
made from scratch by jenna woginrich
animal, vegetable, miracle by barbara kingsolver
the backyard homestead by carleen madigan
the handmade home by amanda blake soule
sewing green by betz white
how to design your own clothes and make your own patters by claudia ein
living on earth by alicia bay laurel
the art of sewing-restyling your wardrobe by time-life books
ric rac love
green love
potential in green
my mama made this sweet cookie jar for my grandmother in 1971, my grandma loved roosters.
my grandmother gave this to my sweet girl when she gave up her house. so sweet.
she loved my girl and my girl loved her. missing her so much. so luck that she had the chance to know grandma.
green comes in all shapes...mostly man made these days.
looking for buds...
to the left too...
green on a tree...not what i was looking for!
feeling the joy...
nurture and wonder...
sunshine and happiness!
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