molly moon's new adventure and our latest reading adventures
our girl has always loved to read in the photo she is about 18 months old.
a few years back we found the molly moon book series and we loved it. we just received a note from amazon that there is a new molly moon book coming in may from georgia byng! it is called molly moon and the morphing mystery. we are very excited, it seems like forever since we finished her last book.
molly moon is a girl who is left at an orphanage when she was a baby and she has the most interesting adventures. pick up her first book and you will have a fun journey. we did and we did not stop until we finished the last book that georgia byng wrote. we are looking forward to may.
hope that you can begin the series so that you are ready in may when the next book arrives.
molly moon's incredible book of hypnotism
molly moon's hypnotic time travel adventure
molly moon, micky minus, & the mind machine
thursday night we finished the last harry potter book with our girl. so sad to be all done. we started j.r.r. tolkien's the hobbit tonight.
happy reading!
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