playgroup reunion
when sweet pea was two weeks old we started postpartum yoga with deborah rault at open sky movement. many of us had taken prenatal yoga at open sky with deborah. she is amazing and we all learned so much from her and so enjoyed all that she had to share with us including her compassion and encouragement in all that is motherhood. soon i will do a post on how deborah and my prenatal/postpartum yoga changed our lives.
after a year of postpartum yoga, deborah moved to california and encougaged us to continue meeting and doing our practice without her.
new babies already loving each other
well we continued to meet but most of the practice was with new recipes and marathon nursing. we really worked through so many life changing events in our group and are so connected in a very special way. true friends helping each other through in so many ways. you hold such a special place in my heart. sounds very corny i know. we had many come and go in the group. several that were there every week. some weeks we had 3 to 5 families other weeks we had 16 to 18. it was always an adventure. but we all shared a very special bond.
big race at the reunion
great swing
it has been at least a year and for some 2 years since we have been together and today we were able to get about 7 families together. we missed those that were not there, but so enjoyed seeing the kids play together and catch up. a few of the dads played golf and some of us arrived at 10:30 and left at almost 5. we met many new babies, reminised about the past and planned for the future. a day filled with joy, hope, melencholy and sadness to see it end. can't wait to do it again sooner this time.
love and miss you all already my dear friends.
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